Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Well, yesterday I got a lot accomplished, but I feel like I didn't get the most important thing accomplished. Eric left really early, so I didn't wake up before the girls. By the time I was getting them breakfast, I decided I would read my scriptures at night. I did read a lot, but it is so much more effective to read in the morning.

Today as I read chapter 9, I was struck by how alone Jesus felt as he healed and forgave. No one understood him. There are many times when I feel like no one understands how I am feeling, how overwhelmed I feel. Christ is the perfect example of continuing even though everyone around Him does not understand Him. It was also neat to see how much he didn't care what others thought of him. But he did care about them. If he cared what they thought of him, he wouldn't hang out with the publicans and sinners. Do I wonder what others think of me? Does it really matter?

As I read today, I finished the post I started for last Friday because today's reading helped shed some more light on it. I started to understand the "Consider the Lilies of the Field." Watching video of the choir singing has such a calm peaceful feeling. I think that is what Heavenly Father wants us to do. He wants us to feel at peace knowing that He is in charge of all and He will take care of us. He wants our complete trust. When Christ speaks with the apostles before they go out preaching, he tells them to not take money, bag or extra clothes. That seems crazy! Today missionaries prepare very well before they go out. But I think he told him these things to make a point, almost to help us in this parable. He does want us to take care of ourselves, but our trust needs to be in Him. If we relly on ourselves then we may forget to put our trust in Him.

What do you think?

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