Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I decided to listen to Matt. 20. The girls were awake and I was reading online. All you have to do is click on the Listen at the top of each chapter. Isn't that cool?

It is an interesting story about the labourers who were hired first that get upset because the householder gives them a penny and the labourers he hired a penny as well. They don't feel that it is fair. They say, "Look at all that I have done and they have only worked a couple of hours." I know that He is relating to the first will be last and the last will be first with the Jews and the Gentiles. But I think there is more to the story. We don't need to worry about others. We are not their judge. The householder says, "Take that thine is, and go thy way." We only need to worry about what we do. I can see this in relationships. With husband and wife relationship, it's easy to compare who does the work. "I've changed 5 diapers today, cleaned the dishes, cleaned up after my daughter's accident, etc." That's not the way to go. It's important for each person to give 100% and not judge the percentage the other person gave. There is so much into judging others and so it's good that it is up to the Lord. These were good reminders for me not to compare myself to others in every relationship.

Monday, September 21, 2009


I have been reading a night, which has not been the ideal. This week I really want to read in the morning even if it means having the kids go back to their rooms and read as soon as they wake up.

I was thinking about children on my walk home today. I love teaching children. I love my calling a lot. I love seeing their sweet faces and their excitement. They want to please so much. Today's reading talks about humbling ourselves like little children to enter into the kingdom of God.

Here are some traits I think we should acquire that little children have:
quick to forgive
excitement for life
wanting to make other's happy

This week-end at the temple I had some thoughts about the important of friends. Also E's lesson this Sunday was about friendship. Are friends really that important? Why does the Lord place so much importance on friends? Here's an interesting verse: Matthew 18:20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. I think unity is an important principle Heavenly Father and Christ want us to learn. They are the ultimate examples of this. They never compare and say, well I know better than Him or worry about giving the other more praise than is needed. They are united. The spirit can be so strong when we are unified. I also think that we receive a lot of support from each other. Though we are imperfect, we can help each other with our strengths and lift up each others' weaknesses.

The story of the fellowservant who was forgiven his debt and then turned around and threw someone in jail for not paying his debt is interesting. I don't remember hearing the end of this story. I saw a seminary video of the first part of the story. It seems crazy that a man who was forgiven such a big debt would not easily remember that and forgive another man. But I think we do this often and we don't realize it. I have great examples of forgiving with my children.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


It seems like time after time in Matthew, the people or the disciples doubt that things may happen. Then Jesus comes and heals them. They do have faith and have increased their faith. Jesus asks Simon Peter who he think He is. Peter knows He is the son of God.

One verse, "How long shall I be with you? How long shall I suffer you?" at first it sounds like Christ is frustrated, but I think He is just sad. He wants them to develop faith in Him. It seems like they have not developed the faith they need. When the disciples ask why they could not heal, He answers, "Because of your unbelief; for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place, and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you."

Wow! That seems incredible. If we just have faith as a grain of mustard seed, nothing will be impossible for us. He is not asking for huge faith, just small, simple faith. This helps me.

I have faith in the atonement of Christ. I believe that He can forgive us and really take away our sins if we truly repent. I know because I had faith, and it happened. I know that He knows us and wants to help us. If we feel overwhelmed and are trying our very best, He will help us succeed.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Well, I have been reading conference talks at night. Everyone was visiting and so it was very difficult to find time in the morning. Maybe someday, I can get that down better even when people are visiting.

I re-read chapter 14 and really enjoyed reading yet again how Jesus knows we can't do it all. I love reading that there was not enough food for everyone and Jesus made up the difference. Right now I am feeling a little overwhelmed with all that I want to do. I feel like all I need to do is do my best. Through the atonement I can do these things well. Of course, I can't do everything and anything, but if I try my hardest to get done what I think is most important, Heavenly Father will help me accomplish that.

I love these chapters! I feel like they are so full of questions I can ask my self for self-evaluation. Christ really wanted us to think about who we are and how we are living our lives. He quotes Isiah saying "This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me."

This made me reflect on what I say I believe and what I actually do and feel. I don't want to put on a show of someone who I am not. It was always funny when someone calls during a stressful moment. There can be crying, screaming, yelling going on, but if a friend calls, suddenly the tone of voice changes to a sweet, calm voice. I guess we do have the self control to change how we are acting, but we choose not to. Things to work on....

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I really enjoyed today's reading. It has been difficult lately. The kids have been waking up really early. Usually Lizzie wakes everyone up. I have only been able to read at night. It seems if they are awake before me, then things just get busy and crazy and I can't sit down for a second. Right now they are watching a movie (I don't like them watching very much so this will not become the routine!) But I did get a chance to read a little, but not write down my thoughts.

Sometimes as I read, I feel like there are so many things to work on. Today as I read, I felt almost comforted with feeling a little overwhelmed. I have a lot of things I am trying to do. I also like to do things very well and not just do them. Today Christ has compassion on the people and when all the people follow Him, he performs the miracle of the five loaves and two fishes. Probably many people have thought of the lesson Jesus is trying to teach here when He performs this miracle. Scripture Scouts has a fun song and I really think it teaches some thing well. Whatever we have is enough for the Lord. We give Him our will and trust in Him and He will help us do the things He has asked us to do. After He performs that miracle, we read the story about Jesus walking on the water and Peter walking as well. Another story to help us trust completely on the Lord. It is also reassuring to see even Peter, an incredible prophet, doubted and didn't trust the Lord completely. We don't have to be perfect, but we should trust in the Lord completely.

Chapter 14 of Matthew I feel really taught me a lot about the atonement. With the Lord, we can do things that seem impossible. The key words there are with the Lord. We cannot try to do everything by ourselves. Others will think what we are trying to do is impossible, but we can if we keep our eye on the Lord and have faith.