Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Well, today I read about when Christ fasts for forty days. Fasting is a hard thing! I have only fasted 3-4 times since we have been married for the past 6 years because I have either been pregnant, nursing or sick! Since I weaned "L" I have fasted 2 times and it has been a struggle. I get feeling very weak and actually start shaking. Now I know just in a very small degree what a hard time Jesus would have had! But the crazy thing is after fasting, that is when he was tempted. So many times I am guilty of justifying being impatient or letting things slide because of the situation I am in. He could have easily said, I can turn this stone into bread and I am not really following Satan, I am just eating after my long fast. Satan didn't tell him to do anything particularly wrong at first. Is changing a stone into bread that bad? Except that you are following Satan. The other tempations were more blatant, but Christ may have just wanted to prove Satan wrong.

Some lessons learned-
-I can't make the excuse that I am tired or that I am hungry to make it okay to be impatient with the girls or to not do my duties. Yes, I am human and I have to take care of myself and it will help me to be patient, but if the situation is not ideal, I can't use it as an excuse. I still need to be patient
-I can't give in to the temptation to just prove someone else wrong, not even think about proving them wrong. This is prideful and I need to think of Christ and how he never proved anyone wrong even though for most of his life they were wrong.

Yesterday went very well. I felt like I was able to accomplish so much more because I started of with the right spirit in the morning and I spent less time on the computer. I was able to be patient and never raise my voice even while puting the girls in time-out. I'm really happy about it.

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